Socrate in love

Article written by Juliette Méhaye for Socrates in Love

The moment is favourable, it almost imposes itself on us… what are tomorrow, the day after, made up of? This question is on everyone’s minds. Everyone feels being (a little or even a lot) in danger. Little or no visibility of the future, a growing uncertainty and the strange feeling of having no control on the new reality.
This state is new for many, familiar to others.

Because diving into the unknown is sometimes a choice, When this is the case, the feeling of fear is quite different. It almost becomes pleasant. A type of adrenaline that charges us with energy, boosts us, awakens us. It is revealing to ourselves and to others. But where there are uncertainties, there are also certainties.

Diving into the unknown, this is it. A measured danger. Who will know, if we prepare for it and if we are prepared for it, how to transform into a powerful force that will never let us down. A feeling of renewal, of rebirth. A sort of elation.

Diving into the unknown, I have done it. I will do it again.
When you have had a taste of it, it's hard to go without.

Take the plunge, dare ! Shall we take you ?
It is nearly time to make a comeback.

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