Strategic, operational and digital marketing
I think therefore I am what I share.
If I were
A cause : Racial inequality
A gift : Transform everything that I touch
A hero : Aristide Boucicaut
A delicacy : Profiteroles
A place to relax :My cabin in Canada
A book / a novel : The Ladies’ delight – Emile Zola
«Lorem ipsum»
What I offer
Telephone exchange of 30 minutes
It is not always easy to have the required perspective, I offer you a fresh look at your marketing and merchandising strategy in physical and online shops :
- I am attentive to your problematics and your needs
- I analyse the situation
- I put forth my first recommendations
- I quickly clarify your uncertainties and give concrete solutions to your short term problematics
Your brand and its environment
The market in which you evolve is in perpetual motion, I help you to review your positioning in order to optimise your offer :
- I segment your target and analyse its behavioural patterns
- I draw up your competitive mapping in a specific environment
- I align your brand value with the expectations of your target
- The analysis
- The market tendencies
- The competitive practices
- The direct and indirect target population – Persona
- Sales force
Your brand and its marketing mix
You need an activation plan and efficient marketing tools in order to proudly introduce your brand :
- Price policy
- The product offers, the collections and categories
- Online / offline distribution
- Communication on outlets
- Assess the environment strategically
I will help in analysing your market, your clients, the competitive and societal environment in order to draw relevant conclusions for your branding strategy.
- Design your brand identity to match your ambitions
From choosing the name of your brand to its registration with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), going through choosing the colors, forms and typographies, I will guide you in the creation of a logo and a graphic charter that are coherent and unique.
- Display your brand proudly
I will guide you in choosing and activating the tools required for your digital marketing. I will advise you in influencer marketing 2.0. in order to optimise the image you send out to the targeted public.
The definition of strategic short-term, mid-term and long-term biases
With the rise of the analogue and the digital, content has become king, you need to create supports to share your news :
- Optimize your branding
After conducting an assessment, I help you in optimising your existing supports – as much in substance as in form.
- Master the codes of visual communication
I will give you sound access to mastering layout codes in order to create quality content.
- Create an autonomy
I will guide you in choosing tools for creating contents adapted to your needs and train you so that you can produce them in full autonomy.
The definition of marketing strategy
You wish to get artistic inputs on the visual designing of your brand :
- The strategic biases
- Choice of means
- Choice of marketing materials / tools
- Branding management
- Corporate identity
- Segmentation pyramid
- Product assortment
- Brand structuring
The definition of the merchandising policy
You wish to get artistic inputs on the visual designing of your brand :
- Development of a showcase plan
- The spatial dimensions
- The mannequin placements
- The points of impact
- The number 3
- Development of the display showcase
- The implementation
- The cleanliness
- The security
- Analysis of the Key Performance Indicators
- Analysis of the Customer Purchase Trend
- Definition of the points of impact
- Definition of the Zoning and Rotation
- Definition of themes
- Segmentation of the product range
- Furniture concept (Modules, Capacity, Design)
- Development of tools
- Analysis of the Key Performance Indicators