Franck Vansoen
Former pharmaceutical representative and investor, Franck Vansoen decided to change his life 12 years ago to create and manage assets. Why this change of life? He was ambitious and dreamt of freedom, of giving himself means to do bigger and more beautiful things.
By joining Socrate in Love, he wants to help people looking for a change of life to take a step back, help them stay strong so as to be able to get back up and specially help them to anticipate in order to bring them more serenity.
Our society today really needs to dream.
If I were
A cause : Sharing
A gift : Immortality
A hero : Richard Branson or Tony Robbins
A delicacy : X
A place to relax : The mountains or a boat
A book / a novel : The awakening of your inner force
“Money is an energy, not just a means. The why determines the how.”
“The six months that precede the change of life”
What I offer
Anticipate the 6 months preceding the change in question
• Call
• First appointment (2 hours) to know where the people are situated and where they want to go
• Complete study and creation of an adapted strategy
• Second appointment (2 hours), presentation of the study, of the customised strategy, go through each step together
• Get the partners, the products, the contacts related to the approved study
• Third appointment to settle everything in the affair and finalise calmly
• Follow-up
Anticipate the 6 months preceding the inner change
• Determine the reason together
• Choose your internal and external team
• Establish a relation to get into action
And what if you made peace with money ? – 2 times 1 hour
• Solve your inner conflicts with money, it is not for me, I want money but do not like the people who have it, money is bad…some collections of things to heal before changing your life
• Study of assets like in a firm, but from your home or on video
• The service that I provide to my clients since 2007. Where to place it ? How ? By starting with a lot or starting with 0 ?
• How to recover tax money at a profit, anticipate the successions and anticipate each change to come
All this centred on your dreams and life goals.