Socrate in love

Article written by Charlotte Vitasse for Socrate in Love
Entering into a relationship with others helps to create trust, adhesion or mistrust between us, or even rejection, even in the most insignificant way, such as greeting, exchanging on a subject, asking a question or in a more formal way, such as presenting a project, managing or working in a team.

The interpersonal relationship is an essential element in everyone's life, it accompanies people in everything they do and wherever they are. In spite of the differences between countries and continents, it remains at the center of human existence. 

For years we have been trying to understand the interpersonal relationship (the workings that make it up) in order to understand its meaning and its impact on the lives of thousands of people. 
It is in this context that researchers have developed their expertise in analyzing our behavioral functioning and its meaning found in what we commonly call interpersonal communication. Its analysis has all its importance when it comes to getting one's messages across, to being listened to, heard or simply to living together harmoniously in understanding and accepting the other person's difference. 

This phenomenon is possible and within everyone's reach. Its secret lies in self-knowledge, the understanding of our own way of functioning as well as of our driving forces that push us to action. Accepting the difference is therefore to accept our own singularity. This journey of self-discovery is not reserved for an elite, it is accessible to all, we are all free to do it or not.

Life is made of choices and choices make life. It is up to us to choose !

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