Socrate in love

Article written by Franck Vansoen for Socrate in Love


« The important thing is not to live but to live well» Socrate
Man, a spiritual being incarnated in a world of matter, of abundance. It is his natural state here, present to live it, to experience this abundance.
Socrates was not specifically referring to money here, but to living a beautiful life according to one owns values, by asking oneself in all circumstances which one is the best and by acting such that it is realised. But even here abundance is one of the means of realisation.
The article can end here, let us take the reflection further together…
Another phrase usually heard “money does not bring happiness”. Let us reflect together alongside Socrates.

« “If money does not make you happy, it is because you are not spending it right!” »

Here is an interesting interpretation of the popular saying according to which money does not bring happiness. 
Free up time for yourself or for others, to please, to be useful, here are “ethical” uses of money that bring about good living! Without this art of good living, the use of money for achieving happiness is declining tremendously.
Just as Socrates also said : Freedom consists in working when we want to and not working when we do not want to.

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